Forest fire detection

The system developed by Evolonic is able to detect forest fires in early stages, thus avoiding ecological and economic damage.


Our vertical take-off drone NF4 covers vast forest areas due to its high efficient cruise performance. The aircraft serves also as platform for various camera and sensor systems.


Both an RGB camera for wide-area detection of smoke sources and a thermal camera for the identification of ember and small fires are attached to the drone.


The drone is equiped with a variety of sensors to monitor the local temperature, humidity, windspeed and -direction for smart fire spread prediction.


Due to the fully electric propulsion system, the aircraft is remarkably quiet and does not emit any CO2 during operation.

Opperational support

The software developed by Evolonic provides real-time information of the fire situation to the ground crew. With the help of this information, the operation commander can plan and coordinate its firefighting units.


The user interface is perfectly tailored to the requirements of the ground crew and enables easy use.


The drone can operate in the area of event and supports the local emergency units with real-time data on the fire situation.


Frequent operations train the artificial intelligence behind the image recognition software, enabling even more precise smoke detection, far beyond human eyes capabilities.


Fire and weather data are constantly processed and statistically analyzed by the system. This helps to detect fires even faster and more accurately in the future.

Drone Hangar

Our mobile connection to ground infrastructure and key to automated drone operations.


The hangar is developed as a payload module which can be attached without any tools to a trailer and is ready to move within minutes.


The hangar keeps the aircraft protected against environmental influences such as wind and rain.


Marks on the landing platform allow the drone to automatically land on the trailer without the need of a pilot due to a precicion landing algorithm.


The landing procedure can be monitored through a installed camera. This enables the operator to check the drone before, during and after take-off and landing.

Forest Fire Statistics

Forest fires cause up to 20% of global CO2 emissions. Favored by climate change, the number of fires is rapidly increasing worldwide. Europe is also affected by this. In 2022, a total of more than 7000 square kilometers of forest were completely burned in Europe, causing enormous damage to the economy and the environment.

Quelle: EFFIS – European Forest Fire Information System

Burned AREA*


CO2 Emissions*

Our team

Evolonic is an interdisciplinary research group at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg. As part of the project, the team has been developing long-range drones and sensor systems since 2018.

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Through many years of experience in the development of UAVs, as well as a constantly motivated team, we have repeatedly been able to stand against strong international competitors.

Winner at NFC 2020 with NF2

With the eVTOL Night Fury V2, Evolonic was able to prevail in the design and flight competition “New Flying Competition” against international competition from Mexico, Serbia, China, and Germany.

Winner at NFC 2022 with NF3

As defending champion, Evolonic was once again able to prevail over international competition from Australia, China, Serbia, Mexico, Denmark, Czech Republic, and Germany at the NFC in Hamburg.

1st price at the Start-up Demo Day

The Evolonic team was able to convince the jury at the FAU Start-up Demo Day with a successful overall concept and a coherent business plan. As the winner, Evolonic represented the FAU at the European Start-up Event in PISA, once again organized by the EELISA European University.


Still sceptical? Ask our partners!

Through many years of experience in the development of drones, in collaboration with Fraunhofer IISB, Evolonic developed an aircraft with an outstanding lightweight design concept and highly efficient propulsion system.

Florian Hilpert

Fraunhofer IISB

The drone system in combination with high-quality sensors, developed in cooperation with the Erlangen fire department, promises a less personnel- and cost-intensive solution compared to current methods.

Christian Seitz

Feuerwehr Erlangen

